KRUPP Crane Manuals PDF

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Krupp Crane Manuals PDF
Krupp Crane Manuals PDF
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The History of Krupp Crane

  The German company Krupp was founded in 1905 on the basis of Friedrich Krapp's enterprise, when Baron Gustav von Bohlen bought several licenses for the production of military-type heavy trucks and appointed Friedrich to the position of manager. In addition, Baron von Bohlen decided to keep the original name of the company so as not to attract too much attention to his person. In 1909, their large-scale production began, and the baron's connections in the upper strata of German society provided the young company with a number of major contracts with the armed forces of Germany, Austria and Holland. In 1920, after the end of the First World War, which brought tangible profits to the Krupp brand, a division of the company for the production of special equipment was opened. In the same year, the production of sweepers and the first fuel trucks began.

In the late 70s, the concern began to open factories for the production of heavy construction equipment. But, as throughout the history of the concern, steel remained the main direction of production. In the mid-80s, the number of Krupp employees reached 100 thousand. At the end of the 90s, the history of the Krupp concern was officially completed. On March 17, 1999, a document was signed on the merger of two German concerns: Thyssen AG and AG Krupp. As a result of the merger, the largest industrial concern in Europe, ThyssenKrupp AG, was created, which to this day occupies a leading position in the world in steel production.